Friday, May 10

Breathe In, Breathe Out

 Sometimes I wonder how I get by day to day in this shit hole of a place we call a world. Even as I typed that last line, more crap that is making me question my sanity, is happening, in the form of email.

I have spent most of this last week stressing. The Company contacted me last week about a "potential project" to start this week, and every day this week, it is the same 'we are awaiting confirmation, prior to setting an actual start date/time'. In other words, the haven't got the client to hire them yet. So every day I await the call to get to work...and then get upset and disappointed when it doesn't happen. I miss working. How many people do you know say anything like that?

Tickets are available as of today for the graduation. I sent the Youngest in with the money for three additional tickets, which should round out the number we need for family/friends. Graduation is in 10 days.

Nine months late, but I finally was able to have some time with the Middle Son last night. His partner and I went out for a couple drinks (he turned 21 in August, and never let Dad take him out for the first one in a bar). His partner is nice, and we had a good time for a couple hours.

I picked up the new 'script yesterday. Reading the instructions, I realized I have to take it, with no more than 4 oz of water, then wait 30 minutes before taking any additional medications or food. Really? Sigh. But the NP says this one is better for me than the Metformin. A noted side effect is weight-loss, so could be a win-win. I just need to watch for any weird effects from this new one. Best part? I was worried about cost, but when I picked it up yesterday, it also rang up $0.00.

I know it is only mid-morning, but I am going to go lay back down. The Wife and I have a play we are going to tomorrow. Something we have never done before. Seems we are doing a bit more of that lately.


Monday, May 6

Anxiety Builds

 Saturday afternoon I received a phone notification that an email had been received. As the usual, I ignored it after hearing the 'ding' notification sound, until I had a break later on. It was the Company, stating that they had a "potential project" that 'MAYBE' slated to start 5/6, more than likely 5/8, that had NOT been client approved at the time of the email. The Company was sending out notice, so that they could find out actual availability of employees for this POSSIBLE project. Individual replies would NOT be monitored, as the email went out to "hundreds of employees". I responded from my phone, that I was available, before seeing there was a link to complete an 'availability survey', which I did later that evening when I got home - too hard to read it on the phone.

So, I know it is only slightly after 3am (not sleeping well again) but I have not heard from the Company with any follow-up information. I know that there is a distinct chance I will not be chosen for the project, but it is the first time in quite awhile they have even mentioned possible work. I have been looking for other related work-from-home (remote) jobs, but have not found anything that suits me, or that I am willing to do. So for now, it is a waiting game to see if this project comes to fruition or not.

Later this morning I also have a doctors appointment. Rather, a Nurse Practitioner appointment. Right now she has me on seven medications to cover all my medical issues (well, most of them). The past six months I have been seeing this particular NP she has adjusted the meds at least 4 times (over the zero changes the prior 1 1/2 years from three others). Two weeks ago she wanted to get me off the Metformin, and replace it with Rybelsus. I did some reading on it, and for what the NP will want, is dose changes every 30 days starting at a 3mg to 7mg to 14mg, each costing more money per 30 day supply (even with a MFR 'savings coupon'). I was to start it 2 weeks ago, but somewhere in the process, someone, somehow, inputted something wrong, and the insurance won't approve it because of a mis-match on the patient (me) address. I verified with the pharmacy, and the 'MyChart' for the NP, that my address is correct. To spite this, the same day, the insurance filled all my other prescriptions with no problem. So my guess is someone typed/transferred something wrong (from the NP office) so I am sure this will be discussed today. Other than that, I am thinking of asking about some sleeping aid. The OTC Melatonin and sleep capsules don't seem to work at all.

Sigh. Other things I need to get done this week.... mow the lawn. I really hate having grass in Arizona. It gets too fricking hot to do it in most of the months, and doesn't grow well (dry spots, etc) unless you have a good sprinkler system (I don't) and landscapers cost too much to come and mow it each month. Aside from that, the last time the Wife let me hire some landscaper to mow the lawn, they weed-eater'ed (new word folks!) a couple of her rose bushes to ruin, and she was not happy. Even I don't use the trimmer around her plants anymore. I leave it for her to do whether she uses the trimmer or does it by hand.

I also need to get the Youngest's car up into emissions for registration before the 15th. It has been sitting in the drive and needs to be "jumped" again. I swear this child has no motivation to learn to drive, and never asks about it. And he is graduating this month. HE will need to drive to get a job, because he ain't living here forever. 

Argh! Being tired has gotten me a bit cranky this morning. I guess I better close this off before I get really mouthy about things.


Saturday, May 4

Gee, Where'd the Week Go?

 Seems like this last week just flew by without any notification. I know I didn't have anything special planned, but still... I think I spent most of this last week, waiting to hear about when the extra graduation tickets are going to be available for purchase, so I am able to plan out stuff better.

Tuesday night the Youngest had his last band/Jazz band concert. Here in about two weeks is graduation. He has a 'sober graduation party' that night from like 11pm-4am at a Dave & Busters (an arcade place). And now he is asking if we are doing a dinner after graduation (that starts at 3pm). I have no clue. I suppose the Wife and I will talk about it this weekend. I know we are planning to pick-up and take RM and PT so they can avoid the heavy traffic of the event, plus get the benefit of handicapped parking with me. I'm still trying to figure out time/travel logistics for all that as well.

No plans this weekend really. Next Saturday the Wife and I are going to a play. A "Mad Hatter Musical" playing at the Herberger Theater downtown. Another thing that we have never done - a play. Seems we are doing things we have never done before more often now. Must be the 'do it before we die' or something....

Goes I should close this up for now. Have my Viking game clash today, and also need to get abotu three more reviews written.


Sunday, April 28

A Decent Weekend

 Yesterday we had the pleasure of the Daughter and family up from Tucson. She had let us know a couple days prior that they would be in town, and maybe, if their plans allowed it, that dinner could happen. Well, it did, and for once, I did not have to pay. The SIL insisted on paying this time around. That was nice, as having 6+ people to sit down for dinner at a nice restaurant can get pricey. This also gave us a chance to take birthday presents for Doodad (which she loved).

Today, Sunday, the Wife and I will be attending a 'memorial service' for a mutual friend of ours. I had met this lady many years ago in one of my first jobs, and later on we even became neighbors in an apartment community, where the Wife got to know her as well. She passed away (from Covid-like complications I believe) last year, around late August I think it was, but the two daughters have finally put together a type of service. It is being held at one of the nicer parks near here, and they mentioned there was going to be barbecue, but nothing else noted. I think the Wife and I will grab lunch before, just in case. I am sure there will be only two people we would know, the daughters, so don't expect to stay a terribly long time.

Welp, I got the urge for the 'daily' so need to get off of here....


Friday, April 26

Friday? Already?

 I notice that the longer I go without work, the more I tend to lose track of the days, in regards to what particular day of the week it is. Without that constant structure of a M-F type job, it really screws with my head. I awoke this morning believing it was Thursday, and was a tad disappointed when I found out it was Friday. No particular reason, as I have no special plans this day, or weekend. I guess I just felt I "lost" a day in there somewhere.

As I said, no plans this weekend. This afternoon I will be headed up to the VFW for a couple hours of reading and chatting (and yes, a couple beers). My Doodad celebrated her 7th birthday last week, and I was hoping to see them in town this weekend. Every time I look over at the side of my desk, I think about, as I have a present for her. Unfortunately, they will not be up, as the SIL has a business trip to Colorado that will last most of next week. Perhaps a couple weeks from now.

The Youngest's graduation date is getting closer. Last night he had to list out guests for the 6 tickets he is allowed. The Wife, myself, three siblings, and RM made the list. We also need to see about purchasing 3 more tickets to round out the group that planned on attending. I personally would skip it if I had a choice, but I don't (as I am told). I hate crowd events. Since I know you read here RM, I'll email you the info (date, place, time) within the next week. Right now I just need to be sure we can get the extras tickets. Cap and gown were ordered some time ago, so should be there at the school for the dress rehearsal.

Welp, not much else to share today...


Sunday, April 21

Where Do We Go From Here?

 A few short weeks ago, you noticed I had to break from here, and from other things in Life for a bit. I was angry. I was not in control of myself, and needed to focus on 'me and mine' to get things back to the proper perspective. I don't think I have been that particular angry in probably over 25 years (another story for another time) and though I don't think it was wrong to be angry, it would have been wrong to act out, or say things, whilst in that mode. I think at this point I am definitely in a better mindset, and mental place. On the plus side, you got the anticipation of my return, and what I would bring with me.

Yesterday (Saturday) was sort of a big event around the d00d household. The Youngest was attending Prom, which included dinner prior to the event. Of course he isn't driving on his own yet, so other arrangements had to be made. The girl he has been dating, well, her mother is a teacher at the HS they attend, and was also chaperoning the event. This had been discussed earlier in the week, so we ended up driving to her place, picking her up, taking them to dinner, and then to the event. Then her mother would drop Youngest at home afterward. Dinner was Texas Roadhouse, and I wish I had thought better about the situation... With multiple HS's that many Proms overlap, and they were BUSY!! We ended up waiting over an hour for a table. Yes, Wife and I ate there, too, as it was easier for transportation/time, but we let them have their own table. Then dropped off at the event just down the street from there. Wife and I went home, as I was just beat. Then I spent most of the night trying to get to sleep, which didn't happen til after 3am.

Today is going to be a relaxing day for me, or so I hope. I got up at 10, just so I wouldn't sleep all day, and hopefully be able to get to sleep easier tonight. I have gotten in my play time on the Vikings game I play, and plan to head up to the VFW for the afternoon. With Nascar on, and Caution/Pit Stop drink specials - it could be fun. Besides, I'll be reading, which you know I like. I did manage to get four reviews done on books that I had been putting off writing up. I still have one more to do, and another book to read before writing it up. Keeps me busier than the (lack of) my regular job.

Welp, I think I have wasted enough time throwing up some drivel for your entertainment.


Thursday, April 18

No Working Title

 I'm not sure where to start. I have been in a funk for most this past week. Feeling morose, and somewhat depressed. Not sure why.

The Nurse Practioner I have been seeing called me the other day. I guess it was time for my prescriptions to renew, and the Metformin needed authorized. I guess she feels that with my alcohol intake and liver levels, that metformin was worse for the liver, and wanted to switch me to a new 'script. Okay, but then she said it was injections one per week, at the office. Nope. Then she suggested another pill option, that she would check to be sure the insurance approves. Okay.

Yesterday I go to the pharmacy, and pick up 6 prescriptions. The new one, there is an insurance issue. So the pharmacy calls the ins, and it has something to do about my address doesn't match what the ins co has on file...? How could I get the other 6 'scripts if it didn't match? I think the Dr's office screwed up the submission. Well, metformin was one of the refills, so I ain't worried about this new pill. If that doesn't get fixed, oh well.

I need to work on cutting back on my drinking. Seems I am doing more of it lately - not sure if it is this mood swing, or what. I know I tend to drink to help getting to sleep easier, as when I don't drink, I don't sleep well, or much. I think there are bigger reasons as to what is going on, but not sure I want to find out. I feel tired of all the crap, and just want it to stop.

Pretty morose today.
